Saturday, October 30, 2010

For those of you about to rock..

So I'm getting dressed for Halloween,slapped on my 80's mullet wing, got the tunes cranked up on the old LP, and inspiration hit. The question of the day is what's the best 80's hair band out there?
Now I'm not talking about kiss without the make up, I'm talking those groups that shredded the scene in the 80's, help cut a hole in the ozone with massive waves of Aquanet, rocked in leather pants, but never really made it to the 90's. groups like..

Y & T

This bands video Summertime Girls gave plenty of images for the old spank bank. Hot ass babes on the beach. ouch! It hurts so good.


watch for the guy in the Japanese head band. He looks like Steven Wright.

Yngwie Malmsteen

This guy came on scene and bent up a guitar like no one else. He is the European equivalent to Eddie VanHallen. Not to mention he had some pretty wicket album cover art.

Fighting off a three headed fire breathing dragon with his guitar....freaking awesome!


I tell ya Joey Tempest was a good looking man...huh I mean...

You don't have to wear that JUST for halloween dear.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Welocme brotheren

In a string of unforeseen and much undesired bad news it has been brought to my attention that it is time for me to spread my fins leave the Squalo and join the raft. Good people are falling faster the the US dollar value.

I have learned much from my teachings from the Mark the shark and full party mode and hope not to disappoint. That being said lets start off on the right foot by saying this....

1. This is not a Facebook blister, MySpace dump, nor anything you will find me updating while I am working. Back in the day that shit was called a diary and was something you kept to yourself and didn't want other people reading.

"Thanks boys that's really gonna help in the custody hearing"

2. As the title states we make fun of everyone here and when it's your turn it's your turn. Just remember it's all in good fun and if your offended, disgusted, perturbed, feel uneasy, don't like what you see, suffer from a loss of platter, or just plane unhappy it's not my fault and you're free to leave. (No hard feelings of course, pfft)

3. This is a work in progress and will be tuned up at any point. I am open to constructive criticisms but not a all out bitch fest. Save that crap for you electronic diary.

So sit back relax and enjoy the ride...