Sunday, August 19, 2012

Step aside Total Recall...

You know it seems like the movie community is running out of good ideas. So when in doubt, Re-make a classic. Unfortunately due to today's extremely offended society and our own inability to respect the 1st amendment, many movies won't be redone. (Thanks hippies) You won't see movies like Blazing Saddles ever done over. If it was I probably wouldn't like it anyway.

But I tell you I would like to see Dirty Harry redone, but how would it unfold and who would play Harry?

The Disney version. Harry would yell something cool like,"Go ahead, make my day. Pertronous!"

Dirty Grant. The version for The History Channel. How grant really won the Civil War. "Well I'm all broken up over that man's rights".

Enough said.

The Lego Version. You know, for kids.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

So What's Next?

So the Olympics have come to an end. So no more pomp and circumstance , The best thing was that Shark Week followed, buuuuuut that's almost a memory now too. So what would happen if you combined the two?

What a hell of an Iron Cross. Even the Russians gotta be happy with that.

If you're not first you're last. (Thanks Ricky Bobby)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Some things never go out of style

A good passport photo

                                   degenerate social miscreants asking for government handouts,

                          Watching people fall and do the Scorpion! It never gets old.