Friday, December 31, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Another remake!?

OK, so Hollywood screwing with yet another timeless classic. This time they have run out of good ideas and remade True Grit. It's either out or coming out (not of the closet Matt)and it's...well....chapping my ass.

I'm sure they'll but some aah inspiring special green screen effects and techno wizardry that will justify the amount of money they spent to make it. But lets face it the Duke is rolling in his grave and all his dedicated, non EBT account having loyalist are loading up their six guns.

I think what gets me the most is Jeff Bridges? Really? Then Matt Damon?? What kind of scene is that gonna be? Matt kick, or rips, some European guy's vast deference out, then Bridges lights up a dubbie and talks about wanting his rug back?? I think I'll go see it just to watch Josh Brolin.(You known that cool mother sucker from No Country For Old Men) That crazy mother is today's Sam Elliot, I wouldn't mind watching that guy kick some one's hart out with those pointy cowboy boots.(he's dreamy)

Anyway, if I go watch it I'll see it at a matinee. Not because that's all the money I have left on my EBT card for the month, but because if I don't like it I didn't spend that much. If you don't expect to much you won't be let down.

By the way Mark the Shark, per our last conversation, here are a couple of remakes I wouldn't mind seeing.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Another great 80's moment

Some of the best things ever invented came out of the 80's. It's not just about big hair, plastic jewelry and, leather pants. There's more to the 80's than just hair bands. lets talk comedies like Uncle Buck, National Lampoons Vacation, The Killing Fields, and the best of all Spies Like Us.

This comedy had some of the best comedians of the time, Chase and Aykroyd. This movie had espionage, Russians, Ballistic weapons, hot chicks, and cool cameos. It's been dubbed and copied but never duplicated.

So if you get a chance rent it. Or just pick it up out of the bargain bin for a few bucks. Your kids will even like it.

And in Honor of our Russian counterparts I give you....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

F#@k this place

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wounder Woman

The true queen of the Amazons.
Nice purse...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Quite honestly the best show on TV

Lets be honest nothing makes you laugh harder or faster than watching other people fall down. Even better is watching the hopes and dreams of accomplishing something beautiful get dashed to pieces. To top that off you fell down, got knocked off, or even better knocked the hell out.

I watch this show and I laugh so hard it makes me cry. Then I cry because my back hurts from watching these moaps fall down and do the "scorpion".

This guy got hit so hard in the nads his brain is pressing out the top of his head.

Sign me up mom....

Monday, November 29, 2010

Question for you...

1. Who let the dogs out? Who, who-who?
2. Are they spaded or neutered?
3. What no leash laws?

I told you a thousand times Grandma, stop wearing my clothes!! Yours are red.

Friday, November 26, 2010


For the love of humanity people, you must learn to govern your passions!

It's black Friday. The second, or third, time of the year when most people (most being the operative word) forget about being a functional member of society and loose their F*@#ing minds. They stand in line for hours in miserable conditions just to save a few bucks on crap they wouldn't normally buy.
This Thanksgiving I was thankful that you would never see me in one of those lines.

Now that we got our stuff everyone to the Lay Away counter

(notice the tall guy in the blue baseball cap doesn't even know the woman in front of him is copping a feel. Or..does he?)

Looking at this picture you can safely presume two things.

1. the guy behind the counter is thinking, "They don't pay me enough for this Shit" and.....
2. the guy in the red shirt is gonna gank one of those cameras.

The only line longer than this was the one at the DES Office.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Things that are wrong about US

Double negatives...

becoming standard practice

Allowing your kids to dream of being shallow self centered egotistical losers

We'll help you with your addiction to being lazy


Even the Marines have a sense of humor

Jenny wasn't just Gump's girl, she's mine too.

And even mommy gets a little helper
So North Korea is whch way?


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Battle of the Katie's

Pop quiz!which would choose?

Katie Perry

Katie Homes (minus Tom Cruz)

or Katie Segal. Peggy Bundy hair optional.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Yea.. he thought you were asleep

There's 11 pieces to achieve mediocrity?

aaaaand random hot chick

Sunday, November 7, 2010

So nice I had to show it twice

Basic catagories of Album art

The classic..

The entertaining...

Seven degrees of What?

And then there's the WTF were they thinking category

This little gem is from my own personal collection. Personally I looove his boots.

Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm no Rocket Scientist but I've figured out a way to jump start NASA's financial situation.

And it's what kind of sandwich you'll be tomorrow.(soup sandwich)

I'd barf too if someone caught me holding that dork's hand. What the hell does that say on your jersey anyway? Crew? What a looooooser.

Monday, November 1, 2010

NOPE! I'm sory but Halloween is over and you can't ask me that anymore

Hey buddy want to see her make that bird fly?

And all-y'alls horses too