Friday, November 26, 2010


For the love of humanity people, you must learn to govern your passions!

It's black Friday. The second, or third, time of the year when most people (most being the operative word) forget about being a functional member of society and loose their F*@#ing minds. They stand in line for hours in miserable conditions just to save a few bucks on crap they wouldn't normally buy.
This Thanksgiving I was thankful that you would never see me in one of those lines.

Now that we got our stuff everyone to the Lay Away counter

(notice the tall guy in the blue baseball cap doesn't even know the woman in front of him is copping a feel. Or..does he?)

Looking at this picture you can safely presume two things.

1. the guy behind the counter is thinking, "They don't pay me enough for this Shit" and.....
2. the guy in the red shirt is gonna gank one of those cameras.

The only line longer than this was the one at the DES Office.

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