Friday, September 23, 2011

ATTENTION!! WeHave a New Leader..

Sorry Soup, thanks to the help of a loyalist we have found a new #1 F'ed up song you can relate to.
The Downtown Fiction is really kick me in the hind quater with this song, Thanks for nothing. The normal, "I love you but I'm sorry it didn't work out" love songs don't do it for me. How about, "Baby, I dig you" (spoken like King Julian from Madigascar), you broke my hart, fly the social finger, and now it's time to move on? Now that's a love song I can relate to.

So sit back, take a look, think about that looser that dumped you, and enjoy...I would like to have that asian chick work on my feet and give me that face (time:2:51). Swing!

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